Deaf Puppet Theater Hitomi (japan) and Khao Niew (Laos) are one of the few puppet theater in Asia that deaf and hearing people work together. The two theater companies have searched for ways to expand the possibilities of expression, including holding joint workshops to share each other's creative backgrounds since 2018. SHIRAGA Momoko (leader of Momonga Complex, Japan), a choreographer and director who creates new spaces through flexible ideas and configuration, became involved in the coproduction. The collaboration will challenge to new expression for Asian Object Theater.

(Laos with online) (Direct by SHIRAGA Momoko)

Date: November 13-26, 2023 (Venue: Hitomiza studio,Kawasaki and so on)
[Performance]Date: November 26, 2023 (Venue: KAGURAZAKA SESSION HOUSE, Tokyo)
Direct: SHIRAGA Momoko(Momonga Complex, Japan), Lattanakone INSISIENGMAY(Khao niew, Laos)
Cast: Khao Niew (Laos),Deaf Puppet Theater Hitomi (Japan) , DAKEI, KITAGAWA Yu
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Foundation Modern Puppet Center
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