Otome Bunraku experience workshop

adult participants wanted!!

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Otome Bunraku, a traditional puppet performance that has been handed down in Kawasaki-city for more than 50 years.

While Bunraku puppet is manipulated by three male puppeteers, Otome Bunraku puppet is performed by solo female puppeteer.

In this workshop,we have two programmes are available,which is a one-day course and a three-day course.

we all are looking forward to your join!

■Otome Bunraku experience workshop for adults in 2025■

【One-day course】

 〈Date〉: February.16(Sun.) or February.23(Sun.) 2025
      ※Please choose one of those days.

 〈Timeline〉:From 10am to 12am

 〈Charge〉:JPY 2000

 〈Capacity of workshop〉:12 persons per session(order of arrival)

【Three-day course】

 〈Date〉: February.9(Sun.),February.16(Sun.)and February.23(Sun.) 2025
      ※Three consecutive days of workshop.

 〈Timeline〉:February.9(Sun.)→ From 10am to 12am
        February.16(Sun.) and February.23(Sun.)→ From 2pm to 4pm

 〈Charge〉:JPY 3000

 〈Capacity of workshop〉:12 persons(order of arrival)

Venue:Hitomiza studio(3-10-31, Ida, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa, 211-0035, JAPAN)

Subject:Adult(over 18 years old) ※Any gender is welcome.   

Instructor:Puppeteer of Hitomiza Otome Bunraku

【Way to apply】
 TEL:044-777-2228 (Weekdays from 10am to 6pm)

 ※When sending by e-mail or fax, please fill in the desired date and the following necessary information before you send it with the subject line “Otome Bunraku experience workshop for adults in 2025”.
 ①Name ②Gender ③Age ④Address ⑤Telphone number ⑥Fax or E-mail address ⑦How did you find out about this workshop?

 Host:Foundation Modern Puppet Center

 Subsidy:Agency for Cultural Affairs,Government of Japan

   Foundation Modern Puppet Center
   TEL 044-777-2228 (Weekdays from 10am to 6pm)/ FAX 044-777-3570
   URL www.puppet.or.jp